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What’s Link Baiting And How To Link Bait

What’s Link Baiting And How To Link Bait

When we talk about SEO, links are known to be as one of the primary ingredients in a well-optimized sites not only because they connect pages and between websites but also serves as the doorway to which the “spiders” enter and leave a website. Therefore, the more links you have, the better.

There are three types of links namely:

Internal Links refers to the links that will take you to the internal pages of the website you’re stumbling upon. The purpose of these internal links is to help spiders in indexing the pages for easy navigation. The examples of these internal links or “the links within” are found in wikipedia.com, usatoday.com and other famous TV networks like cbs.com.

Next is the External Links, these links directs you to pages in other websites. Having too many external links in your site can be a disadvantage because it may be branded as a link farm. “Link farm” sites, your blog for example, is not very reliable. As a result, the site may have a low page rank (PR).

Finally, the most important of all, the Backlinks. These are the links you put in other websites pointing towards your niche. If you are a wise SEO, you’re not particular of the external links, you put more weight on your backlinks. This is how you gain fame and money.

To make use of these links, you need to know how to seed it for higher PR. How to Link Seed? That’s another set of story but before you link seed, you need to know how to link bait. Actually, link seeding is part of link baiting. Link Baiting refers to the process of disseminating your content and how these contents are developed. You develop your content for only one reason, that is, to grab your reader’s attention. No matter how nice your content articles are but no one reads it, it will still be of little value, right?

Here are the techniques you can use to link bait. If you can add more, let me know. Send me a private message.

1)The “Cool Factor” Method

Show everyone how cool you are. Be updated with the “coolest” in-thing in music, TV, gadgets, web surfing and etc.

2)Be factual

A well-researched information titillates curiosity. These contents provides answers to every day’s queries.

3)The “Nasty Hooks”

Never be afraid to create controversies. You can criticize someone but not to a point of hostility. Remember: Always argue in a polite way.


You can choose to participate in different organizations and community projects. For instance, The 2008 Webmasters Day


Creating a blog and someone reads it can make you feel proud, right? This is also a great strategy to grab your audience attention. Let them know that you are credible. Share your knowledge with them and act as if you’re an expert about something. This way, you can receive the badge of emotional honor. If you happen to register your blog to several PR directories, you can eventually be awarded with merits for the hardwork.


Insert polls and mini quizzes in your niche.


Participate in several online SEO Contests. Even if the topic bores you, joining SEO contest is a nice way to affiliate with the rich and famous and their profitable marketing system.


Search for interesting copy-and-paste widgets and other applications online. Then, post it on your blog.

9)Being the “First”

Be creative. Think of a certain niche that no one still knows. A certain niche that can appeal not only the grown-ups but of beneficial for everybody.

10) Scoops

Always have an eye for the latest, the current, and the freshest in anything. Exposing the truth behind a phenomenon creates a loud buzz worldwide. For instance, when the iPhone was unlocked by an ordinary teenager.


Quotes can be inspiring- this is an emotional way of connecting with your readers’ psyche.


Present a question or a set of questions. Let your readers’ imagination wander.


People love the unusual and the unpredictable.

14)News Pegs

Tie up your contents with the coattails of some of current events.

15)Direct Address

When you link bait, you need to sprinkle it with the personal touches that can zest up amity and solidarity.